Questions? We can help!

Technical support

How do I cancel my account?
Go to "My Profile", then "Settings" and click "Delete account".
How can I unsubscribe from the email newsletter?
Go to "My Profile", unselect which emails you do not want to receive or click on unsubscribe in any email newsletter (It will be at the very end of the email). 
How do I delete my credit/debit card info?
Go to "My Profile", then "Payment options". Click on "delete" on the payment method you'd like to eliminate.
What if I did not get my confirmation email?
Click on "Sign in", then click on the link to resend the confirmation email
How can I use a promo code?
On the order confirmation page, click on "Use promo code".
I'd like to get in contact with Customer Support.
Send us a message or call us at (664) 319 8397 and we will attend every question or comment you have. 
Our Customer Service team is available at: 
Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM