Questions? We can help!

Cooking and nutrition

How do we cook and prepare your meals?
The meal kits are cooked by our chefs with fresh ingredients and natural seasonings, without any conservatives or artificial flavorings or colors. We take care of the quality of each and every ingredient, cooking times, food safety, quantities, flavor and presentation in every meal. 
What nutrition guidelines do we follow to design your meal kits?
 All meal kits meet the specifications of the NOM-043-SSA2-2012. "Food safety's promotion and education".  These are the guidelines that rule over every kit:
  1. Complete
  2. Balanced
  3. Innocuous
  4. Sufficient
  5. Varied
  6. Adequate
Where can I check the ingredients and nutritional facts of my kits?
On our web page, click on any meal kit you want, it will show the list of ingredients used and the nutritional facts of that specific recipe.
What does my meal kit include?
Each kit is a 450 to 650 grs complete meal. All recipes are macronutrient balanced, that includes proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. 
What if I'm allergic or intolerant to some ingredients?
You can check the nutritional facts of every kit. There, you will find the ingredients used in the recipe and potential allergens that it may contain. Choose whichever suits your diet better. 
Do you use any food preservatives or additives?
No, we use fresh ingredients and natural flavorings (spices and vegetable seasonings).

All marinated portions and salads are done from scratch and our vacuum-sealed packaging helps us preserve all kits' lifespan with no additional products. 
How often does the menu change?
Our menu changes every week. We offer different meal options such as chicken, beef, pork and fish.