About us

The mealtime challenge

Giving your family healthy and home cooked meals every day it’s very time consuming. Even overwhelming with all the planning, shopping and effort required.

Mom on a journey

For this reason, Ani (mother of 2 kids) started looking for ways to make this daily experience as simple as possible and help families have free time to connect while enjoying delicious and balanced meals available at any time.

Our findings

We discovered that by using these two methods: vacuum sealed packaging and sous-vide water bath our meals could have the flavor and texture of a freshly cooked dish because they are evenly heated, and they keep their nutritional value without adding conservatives or artificial favors.

The best of both worlds

We want to show everybody that we don’t need to choose between quality and convenience. With Enjoy Kitchen you can have both thanks to our unique cooking and conservation methods.

We are what we eat

Our main purpose is to nurture our families and community in a balanced way using fresh ingredients, cooked from scratch, bringing everyday meals to your doorstep at an affordable price.

About us

Our team members