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Packaging and reheating

How to reheat the meal kits?
We recommend the use of sous vide to reheat the kit. This technique does not dehydrate the meal and preserves its flavor and texture.  

Heat water, place you kits in the water (around 85° C) and leave them there for 5-7 minutes, cut the bags open and serve. 

Note: Not all the kits' bags need reheating, the ones that do need it are marked in your package.  
And if I can't use a sous vide?
You can heat them using a microwave or pan. 

Cut open your kits' bags and serve before reheating. Always use a proper dish if you're doing it in a microwave. 
Can I freeze my meal kits?
Yes, you can. Keep in mind that the EnjoyKitchen Method goes from cooking to refrigeration. Freezing your kits might compromise its flavor and nutrients.  
How long does the meal kits last in the refrigerator?
If they are still vacuum-sealed, the will last up to 7 days. Once they are open, they will last 1-2 days. 
What do you use for your packaging?
We use high quality food grade vacuum seal plastic bags. 

This method let us extract the oxygen inside the bag to extend the lifespan of the meal kit, we also use paper bags to pack all your kits. 
How do I store my kits?
As you receive them, put them in your refrigerator. This way you make sure they will be preserved longer. Also, they will maintain their flavor and nutrients as if they were recently cooked.